Our curriculum is rooted in faith, nature, and
time-tested knowledge.

Our curriculum is rooted in faith, farming, and nature, which allows children to connect with the land and learn about the importance of sustainability and stewardship. We believe that building character is just as important as academic success, which is why we integrate classic literature into our curriculum to help children learn about courage, compassion, and other values that will help them navigate the world with grace and kindness.

Book selections and topics emphasize using first hand knowledge, reviving ancient skills and traditional arts to guide our dialogues while embracing living books and passionate leaders. We strive to immerse students in our everyday life while sparking their God-given creativity and natural gifts through beauty and truth.

Charlotte Mason Influences

Our curriculum incorporates classical methods with Charlotte Mason influences to provide your child with a solid educational foundation. We focus on educating the whole child, which means that we not only teach academic subjects, but also life skills that will serve them well beyond the classroom.

Nature Focused

Nature study has numerous benefits, such as fostering a love for the environment, developing observation skills, and promoting creativity. Students will have ample opportunity to explore and learn about the natural world surrounding our school. Additionally, we believe that outdoor time is essential for children’s growth and development.

Cohesive Curriculum

Our elementary students’ education consists of using The Good and the Beautiful curriculum and Beautiful Feet. Middle and high school students use an eclectic combination of Apologia, Beautiful Feet, Memoria Press, Guest Hollow, Master Books, and more.

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