A Classical education method from a Biblical worldview that provides a wholesome learning experience for your child.

We are thrilled to welcome you and your child to our unique one-room schoolhouse! Our school is situated on a beautiful 10-acre farm, in Springfield, TN where we utilize a Classical education method in tandem with a Biblical worldview to provide a wholesome learning experience for your child.

Our curriculum emphasizes Charlotte Mason principles, nature study, life skills, and classical learning methods to create a well-rounded education for your child. Passionate about our Creator, we center our teaching philosophy around equipping and fostering a loving relationship with Jesus, Father, and Holy Spirit with each child.

Our Philosophy

At Grace Collective, we focus on educating the whole child, which means that we not only teach academic subjects, but also life skills that will serve them well beyond the classroom. Partnering with local businesses, art studios, artisans, farmers, homesteaders, and more we strive to connect with building a strong community of people working together to make our world a better place through the sharing and acquisition of hard skills.

Discover a world of possibilities

School Founder + Director

Gina Webb

Our educational journey began when my oldest entered second grade. Listening to other mothers of many children and their journeys into homeschooling, as well as managing their homes with beauty and grace, tugged at my heart. I wanted my children home with me so that we could learn together. I longed for them to form loving connections with each other during their childhood that would last a lifetime. Little did I know that the Lord was also working on my husband regarding the same topic. One day, he approached me about the idea, and I was so excited because I knew it was the right path for us.

Breaking away from the school system led to a long series of questioning everything we had done, especially concerning church. We realized that God was calling us to something that no one else we knew was pursuing. After experiencing isolation from the church, my heart yearned for healthy, Christ-centered relationships with other like-minded families. I began reaching out and joining various Charlotte Mason co-ops, and I loved what I found.

When we moved to Tennessee over a decade ago, we couldn’t find anything similar to what we had in Iowa. I knew there had to be others who felt the same, so I started a cooperative. It grew, and our friendships with various families came and went with the ebbs and flows of life. Now, with half of my ten children graduated and moving on, it’s time to provide this atmosphere to others. It might not always be possible for everyone to be home educating their children every day of the week, but I believe every child should have the opportunity to learn according to God’s design, creating beauty and seeking truth with others committed to the same.

My prayer is to change the world one child at a time by creating space for the flame of God’s Spirit to flow out through an intentional day immersed in the wonder of His creation. I hope you share a similar passion, and together, we can empower our children to become all they were destined to be.

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